Theme - MAMBEC Olympics
Just like the Olympics- we talk about when the Olympics began then the Opening Ceremony campers pass the torch to Oh Canada…then let the games begin.
Break campers into different Countries
They pick a Motto for their Country and make their Flag.
All campers are tested for Core work
Jumping Jack
Push ups
Then teams have daily challenges all campers receive certificates with ribbons for their teams based on challenge wins 1st 2nd 3rd
Also the outstanding campers win for core wore 1st 2nd 3rd
All certificates and ribbons presented at the closing ceremonies.
2025 Week 6 - Olympics
Participants bring lunch (Peanut Free), two snacks, a towel, bathing suit, water bottle, sunscreen, a hat, and sneakers (no flip-flops or crocs). Camps run from 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM, Monday to Friday).